1. Alex has caused quite a dramatic stir about her math homework several times already.
2. My mom took a 6 day trip to DC leaving us to fend for ourselves in the morning with two kiddos, and boy was that fun! (insert sarcasm here)
3. I was lucky enough to have "duty" the first week of school stationed right by the principal.
4. Both kids got sick.
5. Carter was up and in our room every morning before 5 am the first week of school.
6. Kids had Labor day off; mom did not.
7. Mom had the day after Labor day off due to tropical storm Hermine. (how did you pronounce that anyway?)
8. The principal approved my request to kick 3 kids out of my class due to horrendous behavior (yea me!)
9. The attendance/grading software was not working the first 13 days if school, so all grades and attendance for 3 weeks had to be logged in in one day!
10. I finally got picked by a football player to wear his jersey on Friday during classes, and yes, it made me feel hugely popular! (I guess we never lose the desire to be popular in high school..)
Now, back to college football.

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Location:Vida Santa,Weslaco,United States
Hey Vicki, miss you!