Saturday, May 23, 2009

I haven't been inspired....

Just when you think things will finally settle down, something happens. Immediately after visiting my sister, I get offered a second job which definitely fits my family's lifestyle so much better. No sitting behind a desk from 8 to 5, rushing to pick up Carter, and getting home after 6. Then off to softball or art, praying that I will have enough stamina to get my 7:30 run in.

But, with every positive must come the negatives. Starting on May 11th, I was on virtual lockdown. Studying materials, conference calls, taking exams, frantically reading all my clinical material, all the while trying not to melt down by the end of the day. Did I mention Chris also has been gone most of the last month for training of his own!? So, mother in law (thank God she is here) and I plod along and do the best we can.

Then, this past Sunday I board a plane to New Jersey for a week of onsite training that I swear to God almost killed me. I am not a "rah-rah, go team!" kind of person. I do not enjoy being around people who ask to many questions, ask dumb questions, or basically think they are some kind of sales superstar in the world of cough and cold. Obviously, I am somewhat cynical, very sarcastic, and a kind of tell it like it is kind of person.

I knew more about my weeklong roommate in the first 10 minutes of meeting her than I ever cared to know at all. My new supervisor, or Rain Manager(same height, same hair, everything!), as I like to call him since he looks exactly like Dustin Hoffman, is one of those micro-manage every little detail kind of people who I already know will drive me crazy. Did I mention he has ruined my 33rd birthday which is next Wednesday by flying down to spend the day with me in the field???

Okay, but in all fairness, I took the job. I rolled the dice. I got to see NYC for the first time ever, even if it was for 4 whole hours. I did manage to get know one cool person on my team, whom I know will become my best bud when it comes to making fun of the ol' bossman. And the best part is.....Monday is a holiday! Some great friends are coming out to meet me for dinner Friday night, and I am hosting a shower with a very dear friend for a very dear friend on Saturday. Life is alright.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, love the post Vicki!!!! Can't wait for this weekend to get here, do you realize it is the start to an awesome summer? Thank goodness! Oh BTW, you are definitely not a "rah rah, write scrips for my cough & cold crap that you can get cheaper over the counter kind of person" that's why I love ya!
