Monday, December 13, 2010

Run Baby Run

For as long as I can remember, I have run. I used to hate running, and viewed at as a punishment by my basketball coach who loved to make us run around the high school at 2:30 p.m. in the afternoon in the off season. My senior year, I stopped playing basketball and started running as a way to not blow up to 200 lbs. In college, I did manage to gain the freshman 15, and viewed my running as merely attempts to gain the attention of boys living in the corps dorms. When I moved off-campus, I ran around the College Station neighborhoods with my roommates Kimber, Dana, and Brandi from time to time, again trying to keep myself from gaining another 15 lbs since the first 15 decided they were gonna stick around.

When I moved back to the Valley about 6 years ago, I found a running buddy in someone I would never have imagined. Tracy and I weren't friends in high school, but our mutual desire to run quickly bonded us and we became really great friends. Tracy convinced me to run the Port Isabel Causeway run, which was 6 miles, further than I had ever run before. It wasn't pretty, but I finished it. I soon found myself interested in upping my mileage and running more races.

I've run 2 half-marathons, 2 10k's, 1 7500 meter run, and a handful of 5k's. All of these races help keep me in shape and destress myself after a long day at school. I just finished doing the McAllen Fiesta Marathon relay with some friends, and it was really fun. We drove all over McAllen picking up and dropping off our team, and I ran the anchor leg of 6 miles. It felt great to finish, and even better to have run with such a great group of women.

So, what's next? The Causeway Run in January of 2011 and the Austin Half-Marathon in February. Wish me luck!

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