I have come to realize that things never slow down when you have kids. Especially when you have two kids and a job. I am two weeks into summer vacation, and I am already exhausted. I did get a great birthday dinner with friends at South Padre Island and throw a super fun shower for a new, but great friend. See above pics for the highlights of my birthday fun!
I found out today that my son's favorite teacher at his daycare is leaving as of today. Her name is Edith. She is a very big-busted woman with very unreal blonde hair that my son adores. Most of you know he doesn't speak many words, but "Edith" is one he knows very well. I am sad for him, and I hope the new teacher bonds with my little man as well as Edith.
My new job has been a whirlwind of activity. A week away at training, thrown into the field with a non-working computer, no business cards, but a very welcome reception from some doctor's I had missed seeing over the last 4 months. That, I guess, makes it all worth it. That, and excellent, preferred coverage on Texas Medicaid. Got to love the Valley!
Alex has been away visiting her cousins in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Actually, my sister in law's home resembles a scaled down version of the Neverland Ranch sans Bubbles the chimp. Playground, huge swimming pool, trampoline, and a never ending supply of toys. It's really no wonder she doesn't call us, we have to call her. And when she does talk to us, it's basically a one-sided question barage from me or Chris. I wouldn't want to leave Amy's house either! Can I come and visit and layout by the pool all day, take free tennis lessons, have home-cooked meals, and sleep on Granny's deck overlooking the lake? Please? I won't back-talk, will say please and thank you, and I do very well at cleaning up after myself...
Well, we have no pool, we have a small house, our kids will most likely attend public school, and Chris and I both work more than we'd like. But, somehow, I know when my daughter is grown, she will know that her "home" was a good place to grow up, even in the crappy Rio Grande Valley.
Oh Vicki! I miss you, thanks for blogging this little gem. I love to have a glimpse at your great sense of humor, way down there in the "crappy Rio Grande Valley"