Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Waiting Game

The WAITING game. We all do it. It affects us practically everyday, and no matter how hard we try, it never gets any easier. I have been in a perpetual WAITING game for about 3 months now. I have been looking for a job, found a job, and then new ones keeps popping up on my radar doubting my decision to take the first job. I took my alternative certification content exam for teaching marketing this past Saturday, and must WAIT at least 2-3 weeks for results. Oh - but the best part is I am still WAITING to see if a job teaching marketing will actually materialize. You see, this is the job that I want, but I must WAIT and see.

Everday for the last two weeks I have been WAITING for text messages regarding Alex's softball practices and games. If I don't get one: relief. If I do, it's time to call in the reserve troops (my mom and dad) and WAIT for their response about who can help out with which kid.

My sister is dealing with chemotherapy, its side effects, and the pain from her cancer. She has been WAITING for some good news, and today she takes a test to see if her chemotherapy is working. Of course, you must WAIT for the results, so she won't know until tomorrow. My WAITING games seem small compared to hers, but never the less, still seem large to me.

My mom and I have been arguing about petty stuff for about a week and a half now. Each of us is WAITING for the other to apologize, and neither one has. It is hard to be around my mom lately due to my sister's health coupled with my own personal drama, but I guess we will continue to wait for the other person to cave. My dad remarked last night that it will probably take one of us to have some horrible disease like my sister's to get over our petty bulls**t and get along. He has a point, so why do she and I continue to WAIT?

So friends, the WAITING game continues. What will today's answers to yesterday's problems be? What, if any, resolution will come for the problems that keep compounding and bearing down on me? I don't know, but I guess I will have to WAIT and see.

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